Janet McSmith

CASA Janet McSmith

  • June 2022 CASA of the Month
  • Janet McSmith

Our June CASA of the Month is Janet!

Janet was sworn in as a CASA in November 2021 and received her first case a month later when she was appointed to support a 6-year-old girl. Upon appointment to the case, Janet received a distressing phone call from the kinship provider alerting her that she was going to lose her housing, and therefore the child would have to be placed into a traditional foster care home. Janet stepped into action immediately to problem solve with the case team and ensure a smooth transition for this child. Throughout multiple placements across the metro area in the last couple months, Janet has been the constant in this child’s life. From taking her CASA kid to a variety of museums and fun activities to allow her to simply be a child amidst her circumstances, to picking her up from school and transporting her to her foster home, as well as helping her succeed in school. When Janet initially met with her CASA kid for the first couple times, she was concerned about her inability to recognize any letters or numbers, and how far behind she was in school. Janet has been diligent with her CASA kid by helping with homework and practicing these things outside of school. She has also advocated for her CASA child to receive an IEP (Individualized Education Program) so that she can receive additional support at school as well. Janet has been a part of numerous case team meetings to discuss wrap-around services and community support so that reunification can occur with this child and her mother. Due to the hard work of the case team, CASA, and most importantly, the child’s mother, this child is going to be reunified soon. Janet has already been in communication with her CASA kid’s mother to ensure her support even when she is home. We applaud Janet for her dedication to supporting this child and the advocacy she is able to bring to ensure what is in this child’s best interest. Congratulations Janet for being our June CASA of the Month! Thank you for all you do.